Bubb Rubb
First let me begin
by saying WHOO WHOO! Ok, now if you want to know why the hell I just
said that, try checking out
this video (WMV file, Netscape users may need to right click and
save link as).
The crap that Bubb Rubb
says in this report left me laughing my ass off. This guy
wants his exhaust to go "WHOO WHOO!" instead of "woo woo," so he
gets a whistle tip installed. Now even to the owner of a
ghetto sled, that sound is annoying to the point that you'd torture
your grandmother for it to stop. BUT, Bubb Rubb's reasoning,
and even Lil' Sis's too, is funny as hell.
There'ss not much more I
can say, you HAVE to see this movie. Whats sad is there are
now T-shirts and entire websites devoted to Bubb Rubb's minute of
air time, in Oakland mind you. So with that much publicity,
watch and, and you'll laugh your arse off.
Your alarm clock,
Saladin |